WEBSITE designer, artist and full-time dreamer


I live in a world where magic exists and love always wins. Life is richer when we emphasize the simple pleasures and choose to see the good in everyone and everything. Business is one thing, but really, the magic is what I’m here for.


Soulgood is an expression of the things that bring life meaning.

First and foremost,

Heidi Madinger

founder & lead designer

I work to surround myself with like-minded individuals and build a community of people who strive to prioritize wellness, love, happiness, and adventure.


I believe that wellness should always take priority in our lives, which doesn’t typically fly in a nine-to-five grind world. I think hustle culture has its place, but can very quickly become detrimental to our health, relationships, and overall happiness.

read with me -

The Creative Act: A Way of Being – Rick Rubin

Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert

Think Like a Monk – Jay Shetty

The Comfort Crisis – Michael Easter

Atomic Habits – James Clear

What I love

What I believe

My darling husband, Forrest. My sweet little dog, Bear. Sunshine on my skin. Board games & puzzles. Painting. Self-love. Travel & different cultures. Personal development. Cooking. Singing & playing piano. Being a big kid with my nieces. Accountability. Nerding out on Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

Taking the highway over backroads. People pleasing. Horror movies. Over-consumerism. Trendy fashion over personal style. Quantity over quality. Disrespect. City life. Staying up after 10PM. Gifting out of expectation. Poor communication. Content without substance. Winter in Southern Ontario. 

Take risks for your happiness. Never settle for less than you deserve. Always be learning. Stay humble and admit when you’re wrong. Pause and think compassionately before you react. Your happiness comes first. Be open to possibilities beyond what you know. Self-love is the best love. You are what you think.

After years of working for companies that left me drained, stressed, and questioning the structure of society*, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a business that prioritized my wellness and allowed me to share my insights and experiences with the world – all while allowing my creativity to bloom and providing holistic creative services to companies that align with my values.

*Still questioning the structure of society

After years of working for companies that left me drained, stressed, and questioning the structure of society*, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a business that prioritized my wellness and allowed me to share my insights and experiences with the world – all while allowing my creativity to bloom and providing holistic creative services to companies that align with my values.

*Still questioning the structure of society

What I'm not about

like what you see?

Let's create something

I love working with like-minded individuals who are passionate about wellness, hospitality, and the arts.

Sound like you? Come on in, the water’s warm.


reach out

Giving Back


Home base: Toronto, Canada
Nurturing souls around the globe.